CCB Christmas dinner

Our marvellous dinner preparation.

What are we going to start with?

Planning an event as intricate and significant as Mr. Bert Robinson's Boarders' Christmas Dinner involves a meticulous assessment of several critical elements. With a budget of £10.00 per head and an anticipated guest count of around 200 attendees, the initial concern revolves around securing a suitable venue. Considering the budget constraints, an outside venue might prove challenging. This will be researched.

 I must mote that Mr B.R would like to have an Events Company to plan and manage his event. Moreover, successful execution of the event necessitates engagement with multiple stakeholders, in terms of communication and coordination with the Facilities Manager (Mr. Harper) for venue suitability and discussions regarding the date and guest count are imperative.

  • Coordination
  • List of potential venues
  • Budget consideration

Overall plan

The date of the event is hopefully at 6.30. With a budget of £10 per student, finding the best venue for this important event will undoubtedly demand resourcefulness and creativity. 

The plan, in short, is to host, attend and organise a smoothly ran event

This will hopefully create the absolute pinnacle of a school christmas event.  

The Culloden Estate & Spa

For the school boarders' Christmas dinner, the Culloden emerges as an impeccable venue offering various spaces tailored to suit the event's requirements. Here's why it stands out:

Versatility to Accommodate:

  • Smaller Suites: Smaller suites accommodating up to 200 attendees offer a cozy and personal setting, ideal for fostering a warm and close-knit atmosphere among the boarders.

Convenient and Welcoming:

  • Accessible Location: Situated conveniently, the Culloden ensures easy access for all boarders, making it hassle-free for everyone to attend the Christmas dinner.
  • Superb Facilities: The venue's top-notch facilities promise a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all attendees, enhancing the overall festive mood.

Exceptional Service and Elegance:

  • Professional Support: The Culloden's dedicated staff will try their hardest to provide exceptional service, ensuring the evening runs smoothly and every boarder feels attended to.
  • Sophisticated Setting: With its elegant and sophisticated ambiance, the venue sets the perfect tone for a memorable and distinguished Christmas celebration.

Tailored Experience:

  • Customisation Options: The venue's flexibility allows for tailored arrangements, enabling the school to infuse personalised touches or themes that resonate with the boarders' preferences, making the event uniquely theirs.

Creating Lasting Memories:

  • Beautiful Surroundings: The Culloden's picturesque grounds and luxurious interiors offer a visually stunning background, contributing to the memorability of the event if it were to be carried out in this estate (&spa)


Choosing the Culloden for the school boarders' Christmas dinner promises not only a beautiful and accommodating venue but also ensures a warm and unforgettable experience for the boarders. With its many spaces and impeccable service, the Culloden stands as one of the ideal choices for crafting a memorable and joyous festive celebration.



While the Culloden stands out as an excellent choice for the school boarders' Christmas dinner, it might not ultimately be a suitable venue for this event due to pricing considerations.

The Culloden's Excellence:

  • Quality and Prestige: The Culloden offers unparalleled quality, sophistication, and a luxurious setting ideal for such a significant occasion.
  • Superior Services: Its reputation for exceptional service and attention to detail would undoubtedly ensure an unforgettable experience for the boarders.

Cost Limitations:

  • Expense Concerns: Hthe issue associated with hosting an event at the Culloden is that it might surpass the budget allocated per student for this particular occasion.
  • Financial Constraints: Unfortunately, the expenditure required to book and organise an event at this prestigious venue will probably exceed the feasible spending limit set for the Christmas dinner.

Seeking Alternatives:

  • Exploring Options: While the Culloden presents itself well, it might be better to explore alternative venues that align more closely with the financial constraints while still offering the good service
  • Balance of Quality and Affordability: Finding a venue that balances quality, affordability, and the capacity to provide a festive and delightful atmosphere would ensure the success of the boarders' Christmas dinner without exceeding the predetermined budget.


As much as the Culloden would create an amazing setting for the boarders' Christmas dinner, its cost implications may pose challenges in staying within the allocated budget. Exploring other venues that strike a balance between quality and affordability might be better without compromising the festive spirit and the overall experience for the boarders.

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Campbell college

Where else?

Where else could we possibly execute our MARVELLOUS! Boarders Christmas Dinner?

The Grand Central

The Grand Central is a perfect place for our dinner, for a few reasons.

Ambiance and Atmosphere:

  • Elegant Setting: The venue's architectural beauty and decor can help create that festive ambiance, perfect for a special occasion like a Christmas dinner.
  • Spaciousness: With ample room, it can accommodate a larger group comfortably which can allow for socialising and creating a celebratory atmosphere.

Facilities and Amenities:

  • Dining Facilities: The Grand Central has well-equipped dining spaces or ballrooms suitable for hosting events, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.
  • Services: Professional staff can provide top-notch service, catering to the needs of the school boarders, making the event more memorable and enjoyable.

Accessibility and Convenience:

  • Central Location: Being at the heart of the city, it's easily accessible and convenient to Campbell, ensuring convenience for transportation and attendance.
  • Parking and Logistics: The venue offers parking facilities and assistance with logistics, easing the process for attendees arriving from the school.

Special Features for the Occasion:

  • Festive Decorations: During the holiday season, the Grand Central might have special Christmas decorations, enhancing the festive spirit.
  • Customisable Spaces: Spaces can be adaptable to suit the theme or preferences of the school boarders, allowing for personalisation.

Community Engagement and Bonding:

  • Celebratory Tradition: Hosting the Christmas dinner at a prominent venue like the Grand Central can elevate the event's significance, fostering a sense of community among the school boarders.
  • Memorable Experience: Such a grand setting can create lasting memories for the boarders, making the dinner a cherished tradition within the school.


While the Grand Central presents itself as an appealing choice for hosting the boarders' Christmas dinner, it might not be the most practical venue due to cost considerations.

Affordability Concerns:

  • Price Point: The serviceand amenities offered by the Grand Central come with a significant price tag, which will surpass the allocated budget set for the school boarders' event.
  • Financial Restraints: Considering the expenses involved, it's important to acknowledge that the cost per student will exceed the feasible budget for this particular venue.

Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation:

  • Balancing Budgets: Even though the venue provides an exceptional setting and ambiance, it's crucial to weigh the benefits against the financial constraints to ensure responsible budget management.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: While the Grand Central offers an extraordinary experience, its pricing might not align with the allocated resources for the boarders' Christmas dinner.

Exploring Alternatives:

  • Seeking Viable Options: Given the potential budgetary limitations, exploring alternative venues that offer a balance between quality and affordability can be a more feasible approach.
  • Maintaining Quality: It's possible to find venues that, while not as extravagant, still maintain a high standard and offer a memorable experience within the set budget constraints.


Although the Grand Central embodies elegance and charm, the likelihood of it being a suitable venue for the dinner is hindered by, the hellsent budget.(causes all the problems) Exploring the alternatives may better align with the allocated budget while ensuring a memorable experience for attendees.

campbell college

These are some good places, Right?

Lets head onto the next venue.


The Chelsea

 Contemporary Urban Bar:

  • Enhanced Ambiance: The venue’s urban setting offers a n up to date and trendy atmosphere, creatinga dynamic and vibrant ambiance ideal for hosting a lively and engaging event such as a Christmas dinner.

 Ambiance-Enhancing Lighting:

  • Mood Elevation: The thoughtfully designed lighting scheme, tailored for cocktails, although the boarders cannot drink if they are under 18, will still amplify the festive spirit, elevating the overall Christmas dinner experience by introducing a joyful and celebratory mood.

 Gastropub Dining:

  • Exquisite Culinary Focus: The emphasis on gastropub dining signifies a commitment to exceptional and innovative culinary creations, ensuring an unforgettable dining journey for the school boarders, marked by high-quality and possibly pioneering food selections.

 Live DJ Entertainment:

  • Dynamic Engagement: The provision of live DJ entertainment allows for interaction and entertaining element, fostering an engaging environment, and  contributes to a "hip" and celebratory ambiance throughout the Christmas dinner.

 Dedicated Function Area:

  • Exclusive Event Space: The availability of a dedicated function area creates a tailored space, ensuring privacy and exclusivity, thus allowinfgthe creation of a more intimate and personalised setting for the cherished Christmas dinner.

In summary, The Chelsea's contemporary urban setting, emphasis on quality, entertainment, and the provision of a dedicated function area can offer a dynamic and enjoyable setting for the school boarders' Christmas dinner, which can create a memorable and festive experience for all attendees.


The Chelsea's offerings align well with the desired atmosphere and experiences for the school boarders' Christmas dinner. The venue provides various packages that cater to different budgetary needs while ensuring an enjoyable and memorable event  


Budget-Friendly Packages

  • Package 1 (£650): Includes the room and mini cones.
  • Package 2 (£750): Offers the room dressed with linen and a 3-option finger buffet.
  • Package 3 (£850): Provides a room dressed with linen and a 4-option finger buffet.
  • Package 4 (£950): Features a room dressed with linen, canapés, and a drinks reception.


  • Atmosphere: The contemporary and urban ambiance, coupled with ornate lighting and live DJs, creates a vibrant and festive atmosphere, perfect for a celebratory event like a Christmas dinner.
  • High-Quality Dining: The emphasis on gastropub dining suggests a focus on quality and differentiated food, ensuring that the boarders enjoy a memorable culinary experience during the festivities.
  • Entertainment: Live DJs can provide entertainment that appeals to a younger audience, keeping the energy high and engaging them throughout the event.
  • Exclusive Space: The availability of a separate function area upstairs allows for a more private and controleld setting, ensuring the boarders have a dedicated space for their Christmas celebration.
  • Modern Appeal: The contemporary nature of the venue might resonate well with the preferences of the school boarders, making it an attractive and engaging venue choice for the event.
  • Summary

    The pricing packages offered by The Chelsea make it feasible to host the school boarders' Christmas dinner within the allocated budget. Combining the venue's modern ambiance, dining quality, entertainment, and exclusive spaces, The Chelsea will most definetly create a dynamic and enjoyable setting for a memorable and festive Christmas celebration for all attendees.

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    Campbell College

    Due to this being our school, costs for running ths event will be extremely reduced, due to the annullment of the need to purchase a venue, as the school already have one. Here are a few benefits of carrying out this event in our school.

    Familiarity and Comfort:

    • Sense of Belonging: Campbell College is a familiar and comfortable setting for the boarders, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among the students.

    School Spirit and Tradition:

    • Preserving Tradition: Celebrating important events within the school premises helps uphold traditions, reinforcing the school's identity and values.
    • Reinforcing School Spirit: Holding this rytype of an event within the school fosters a sense of pride and unity among the boarders.

    Practicality and Convenience:

    • Accessibility: Being within the school grounds makes it really accessible for all boarders, eliminating transportation concerns and ensuring full attendance.
    • Logistical Ease: Familiarity with the venue simplifies logistics, making planning and coordination more straightforward.

    Personal Experience:

    • Customisation: Holding the dinner within the school allows for a more personal and tailored event, allowing the school to create a unique and special experience for the boarders.

    Sense of Community:

    • Strengthening Bonds: Celebrating important occasions within the school premises encourages bonding among the boarders and reinforces a sense of community.

    Cost Considerations:

    • Budget-Friendly: Hosting the event within the school might offer cost-saving benefits compared to renting external venues, ensuring that the event aligns well with the allocated budget.

    Educational Aspect:

    • Learning Opportunity: Holding such events within the school environment also provides educational opportunities, teaching students about event planning, teamwork, and organisation.

    Student Involvement:

    • Potential Involvement: The event held at the school can encourage student participation or involvement, further strengthening the school's community ties, also serving as a learning opportunity.


    Choosing to have the boarders' Christmas dinner at Campbell College is advantageous due to its familiarity, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and the opportunities it provides for fostering a sense of community, tradition, and pride among the students. It's a move that not only celebrates the festive season but also reinforces the school's values and sense of togetherness among the boarders.


    Affordability and Cost-Effectiveness:

    • In-House Facility: Being the boarders' own school, Campbell College offers an affordable option for hosting events due to its accessibility and availability.

    • Cost Efficiency: Utilising the school's premises nulls additional rental expenses often associated with external venues, ensuring a cost-effective solution for the Christmas dinner.

    • Budget Alignment: Given its familiarity and access, organising the dinner at Campbell College allows for better budget management and housing of resources, optimising affordability without the sacrificing of quality.


    Campbell College is the ideal venue for the boarders' Christmas dinner due to its affordability, cost efficiency, and accessibility. The central hall fits in perfectly with the allocated budget, ensuring a delightful and memorable celebration without unnecessary expenditure. This choice allows the school to maximise resources while providing a comfortable and familiar setting for the boarders, ensuring a festive celebration that meets both financial and experiential expectations.

    Which venue emerged victorious?

    Campbell College, The boarders' school.

    A venue such as the school's central hall presents itself as more feasible options due to its ample space and suitability for semi-formal gatherings.

    Easily accesed
    Budget friendly
    decades of experience from staf

    Caterers, for CCB

    Yellow Door

    Yellow Door Catering Company based in Belfast presents an impressive array of options for a memorable Christmas dinner experience. Their reputation is rather well. Their menu spans appetisers, main courses, and delectable desserts, ensuring a full culinary experience. Although their offerings align well with our event's needs, challenges surface regarding transportation logistics and, the blooming budget chokehold. These hurdles might render hosting the Christmas dinner at this venue impractical. As a result of this, I am actively exploring alternative locations to guarantee a smooth and budget-conscious celebration.


    (trip advisor)


    Sodexo, a seasoned caterer at the school, brings numerous advantages to the table for hosting the Christmas dinner. With their deep understanding of the school's culinary preferences, dietary specifications, and operational procedures, Sodexo ensures a seamless planning process. With an established footprint on the grounds, Sodexo adeptly manages the schools (and theirs) resources, personnel, and facilities, guaranteeing a flawlessly executed event. Their familiarity with the school's preferences enables them to curate a bespoke menu tailored to both the boarders', as well as staff's, tastes and dietary requirements. Due to their Imcumbency and experience in Campbell, Sodexo may propose cost-efficient solutions aligning with the designated budget for the Christmas celebration. The proven track record of Sodexo in consistently delivering top-notch cuisine and impeccable service further proves that they'll uphold the expected standards of excellence throughout the course of the event.


    Starting off with the seating plan, the intricacies of seating arrangements must cater to a diverse guest list of various age groups not forgetin g staff members. Creating efficient and well-put together seating plans, which can possibly be assigned names or numbers to tables (to help with the efficiency of staff, e.g. running food) and preparing place cards with the assistance of Miss Beckett, or other staff who will help the operational aspect of the event, will ensure a smooth and organised seating arrangement for the guests. 

    To create a vibrant ambiance for the Christmas dinner within budget constraints, using existing resources is key. Borrowing the school's current assets like projectors, seating, tables, and decorations from previous years can significantly minimise expenses. 

    Festive table covers, The creative use of lighting, sound equipment, and additional available items can enhance the visual appeal without compromising on the decor's richness. By innovatively repurposing what the school already owns, I can ensure a perfectly put together and adorned central hall without straining the allocated budget.

     Ensuring fire safety protocols, decorations, music arrangements, and IT setups are all up and running, involve collaboration with respective department heads to guarantee a seamless event flow.